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The Vervet Monkeys of Dania Beach
The Dania Beach Vervet Project has named and identified all the monkeys in Dania Beach. There are 4 social groups distributed throughout the mangroves. Each group is composed of males and females. All the females in each social group are related as the females never leave. The males disperse out of their natal group around the age of 5 to join another group. This is thought to be an incest avoidance mechanism. Once a male joins another group, he will stay about 3 years and then leave again to look for another social group. In South Florida the choices are very limited for dispersing bachelor males.
Mikey is well known in South Florida as he has been on the news several times during his dispersal phase. He is approximately 13-15 years old. Mikey is the current alpha male of his social group. He is a laid-back monkey as far as alpha males go. You will find that he spends most of his time resting in a tree to keep an eye on his territory. As the alpha he receives regular grooming from other family members. This is the favorite part of his day apart from a good meal. Mikey is a sweet boy and long-time resident here in Dania.

Snow White!
Snow White is the queen bee in Mikey’s group. She even puts Mikey back in line at times. Snow White is always front and center when the group is out to make sure that she is first to whatever food items are around. She is quick to remind other monkeys of their place in the pecking order. Snow White does this through subtle eyebrow raises and a quick body lunge. As the alpha female she is surrounded by other members of the family during the day. She really enjoys grooming sessions. We joke that she might’ve been a cat in her past life. She is approximately 12-15 years old. The group would not be the same without Snow White. She adds spice to life.
Mama is a low-ranking senior female in Mikey’s group. She is approximately 15-18 years old. Mama is the sweetest monkey in town. Mama typically spends time with her adult daughter, Jackie, during the day. She is one of the last monkeys to arrive to the site. Mama walks slowly due to arthritis. She still manages to get around safely. She hasn’t successfully given birth in several years because of her age. Matter of fact, her only surviving infant in the family is Jackie. We are glad that we can give Mama needed vet care in her golden years here at the Dania Beach Vervet Project.

Goober is a goof ball. He showed up out of no where to Dania Beach and quickly displaced the reigning alpha male. Goober is young fellow of 8 years old. He is full of spirit and is often seen playing in the trees with other monkeys. Goober seems to have many facial expressions which we have yet to interpret. We think it is his way of expressing opinion. Goober is young fellow of 8 years old. He is full of spirit and is often seen playing in the trees with other monkeys. Goober seems to have many facial expressions which we have yet to interpret. We think it is his way of expressing opinion. He evidently has a lot of opinions. Goober is fun loving monkey, and we always enjoy our time watching him.